Recenzije i iskustva - Globalsoft
Globalsoft pruža sveobuhvatne usluge softverskog inženjeringa, nudeći timove i resurse na zahtjev za potpunu digitalnu transformaciju poduzeća i razvoj proizvoda. Angažirajte naše programere da iskoriste naše poznate kompetencije i stručnost kultiviranu u posljednjih 10+ godina. Istražite naše usluge kako biste otkrili kako možemo potaknuti vaš uspjeh.
Detalji o tvrtki/usluzi su na dnu stranice.Recenzije kupaca
prije 8 mjeseca5.0Proveo sam dva jako dobra mjeseca u Globalsoftu kao praktikant, gdje sam radio s Flutterom. Više sam nego zadovoljan svojim iskustvom.
Prvo što sam primjetio je bila izvrsna atmosfera tima. Od trenutka kad sam stupio na vrata, osjećao sam se dobrodošao i podržan. Kolege su bile jako susretljive i spremne pomoći u svakom trenutku. To je stvorilo ambijent u kojem sam se osjećao slobodno izražavati svoje ideje.
Što se tiče samog rada s Flutterom, mogu samo reći riječi hvale. Platforma je izuzetno moćna i fleksibilna, omogućujući nam da razvijamo brze, responsivne i lijepo izgledajuće aplikacije. Kroz suradnju s iskusnim developerima, imao sam priliku učiti i rasti svakodnevno. Svaki izazov s kojim sam se susreo bio je prilika za usvajanje novih vještina i poboljšanje postojećih.
Najvažnije, osjećam da sam tijekom ovih dva mjeseca stvarno odradio kvalitetan projekt. Vidjeti kako moj rad utječe na krajnji proizvod donosi nevjerojatnu satisfakciju i motivira me da nastavim napredovati u svojoj karijeri.
Ovo iskustvo u Globalsoftu je nezaboravno i veliki poticaj za daljni rad. Hvala svima na podršci i mentorstvu koje su mi pružili.
Pročitaj više
Marko Medic
Proveo sam dva jako dobra mjeseca u Globalsoftu kao praktikant, gdje sam radio s Flutterom. Više sam nego zadovoljan svojim iskustvom. Prvo što sam primjetio je bila izvrsna atmosfera tima. Od trenutka kad sam stupio na vrata, osjećao sam se dobrodošao i podržan. Kolege su bile jako susretljive i spremne pomoći u svakom trenutku. To je stvorilo ambijent u kojem sam se osjećao slobodno izražavati svoje ideje. Što se tiče samog rada s Flutterom, mogu samo reći riječi hvale. Platforma je izuzetno moćna i fleksibilna, omogućujući nam da razvijamo brze, responsivne i lijepo izgledajuće aplikacije. Kroz suradnju s iskusnim developerima, imao sam priliku učiti i rasti svakodnevno. Svaki izazov s kojim sam se susreo bio je prilika za usvajanje novih vještina i poboljšanje postojećih. Najvažnije, osjećam da sam tijekom ovih dva mjeseca stvarno odradio kvalitetan projekt. Vidjeti kako moj rad utječe na krajnji proizvod donosi nevjerojatnu satisfakciju i motivira me da nastavim napredovati u svojoj karijeri. Ovo iskustvo u Globalsoftu je nezaboravno i veliki poticaj za daljni rad. Hvala svima na podršci i mentorstvu koje su mi pružili.
Milica Bago
prije 8 mjeseca5.0Tijekom mog stažiranja u globalsoftu, usredotočila sam se na razvoj aplikacije za praćenje i zaduživanje računalne opreme koristeći Next.js. Pod mentorstvom iskusnih kolega, aktivno sam unaprijedila svoje vještine programiranja i stekla dublji uvid u industrijske standarde. Tvrtka pruža poticajno okruženje za suradnju i inovacije, što je značajno utjecalo na moj profesionalni razvoj. Izvanredna podrška mentora, uvijek spremnih pružiti pomoć, stvorila je inspirativno radno okruženje u kojem sam se osjećala podržano i motivirano za postizanje najboljih rezultata.
Pročitaj više
Milica Bago
Tijekom mog stažiranja u globalsoftu, usredotočila sam se na razvoj aplikacije za praćenje i zaduživanje računalne opreme koristeći Next.js. Pod mentorstvom iskusnih kolega, aktivno sam unaprijedila svoje vještine programiranja i stekla dublji uvid u industrijske standarde. Tvrtka pruža poticajno okruženje za suradnju i inovacije, što je značajno utjecalo na moj profesionalni razvoj. Izvanredna podrška mentora, uvijek spremnih pružiti pomoć, stvorila je inspirativno radno okruženje u kojem sam se osjećala podržano i motivirano za postizanje najboljih rezultata.
Dario Klarić
prije 8 mjeseca5.0During my computer engineering degree, I interned at "globalsoft," merging theory with hands-on experience. Focused on backend web development, I worked on the "Equipment Loan App," using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB database.
Guided by mentors, I acquired practical skills and grew more passionate about backend development. An innovative environment contributes to the development and quality of teamwork. Overcoming challenges with mentorship and teamwork enhances my professional growth and confidence. This practice encouraged me to try harder and improve every day.
Grateful for the opportunity given to me by "globalsoft", I eagerly await future challenges.
Pročitaj više
Dario Klarić
During my computer engineering degree, I interned at "globalsoft," merging theory with hands-on experience. Focused on backend web development, I worked on the "Equipment Loan App," using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB database. Guided by mentors, I acquired practical skills and grew more passionate about backend development. An innovative environment contributes to the development and quality of teamwork. Overcoming challenges with mentorship and teamwork enhances my professional growth and confidence. This practice encouraged me to try harder and improve every day. Grateful for the opportunity given to me by "globalsoft", I eagerly await future challenges.
Marina Ćavar
prije 8 mjeseca5.0During my internship at globalsoft, I worked on developing a task management application. My primary responsibility was to handle the backend portion of the application using Express.js and MongoDB database. Working under the guidance of experienced mentors, I delved into backend development, focusing on creating efficient and reliable systems to support the application's functionality.
This experience provided me with the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge I had acquired at university to a practical, real-world project. Beyond the technical realm, this internship enriched my interpersonal skills and expanded my understanding of effective teamwork.
In summary, my internship at globalsoft has been a transformative experience, equipping me with valuable skills and knowledge. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have been part of such a supportive community and excited to leverage my newfound expertise in future endeavors.
Pročitaj više
Marina Ćavar
During my internship at globalsoft, I worked on developing a task management application. My primary responsibility was to handle the backend portion of the application using Express.js and MongoDB database. Working under the guidance of experienced mentors, I delved into backend development, focusing on creating efficient and reliable systems to support the application's functionality. This experience provided me with the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge I had acquired at university to a practical, real-world project. Beyond the technical realm, this internship enriched my interpersonal skills and expanded my understanding of effective teamwork. In summary, my internship at globalsoft has been a transformative experience, equipping me with valuable skills and knowledge. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have been part of such a supportive community and excited to leverage my newfound expertise in future endeavors.
Mila Lovric
prije 8 mjeseca5.0During my internship at globalsoft, I worked on the "Task Management" project. My primary responsibility was the development of the frontend part of the application using Next.js, a modern framework within React technology.
I encountered several challenges, but with the quick support of my mentors and excellent collaboration with my colleagues, I was able to overcome them successfully. This opportunity helped me enhance my skills and deepen my understanding of web development.
I would especially like to highlight the positive atmosphere and environment at globalsoft. The work environment was extremely encouraging, with colleagues and mentors always ready to help and share their knowledge. This positive atmosphere not only facilitated learning and project work but also fostered my personal and professional growth.
Thanks to this experience, I have gained not only the technical skills necessary for success in the IT industry but also important interpersonal skills that will be key in my future career. My internship at globalsoft was definitely a significant step forward in my professional development.
Pročitaj više
Mila Lovric
During my internship at globalsoft, I worked on the "Task Management" project. My primary responsibility was the development of the frontend part of the application using Next.js, a modern framework within React technology. I encountered several challenges, but with the quick support of my mentors and excellent collaboration with my colleagues, I was able to overcome them successfully. This opportunity helped me enhance my skills and deepen my understanding of web development. I would especially like to highlight the positive atmosphere and environment at globalsoft. The work environment was extremely encouraging, with colleagues and mentors always ready to help and share their knowledge. This positive atmosphere not only facilitated learning and project work but also fostered my personal and professional growth. Thanks to this experience, I have gained not only the technical skills necessary for success in the IT industry but also important interpersonal skills that will be key in my future career. My internship at globalsoft was definitely a significant step forward in my professional development.
Antonio Sego
prije 8 mjeseca5.0During my internship at globalsoft, along with a colleague, I worked on a project to develop an application for the Code Camp. Code Camp offers free workshops provided by globalsoft, offering participants an engaging, intuitive, and professional approach to learning web programming. I myself was a participant in these workshops before starting my internship.
The main goal of the project I worked on was to streamline the registration process for these workshops. My task was to develop the backend part of the application using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB.
Throughout the development of the application, I faced various challenges. However, thanks to the support of two exceptional mentors who were always available to provide simple and effective solutions and generously share their knowledge and experience, we successfully overcame all obstacles.
I would like to express my gratitude to the director who provided us with support and useful advice that will greatly help us in our future careers in the IT world. Also, I want to thank all the other employees of globalsoft who welcomed us in a unique way.
The internship at globalsoft was an invaluable experience that enhanced my technical skills, as well as communication and teamwork skills, and created new friendships. Additionally, working in such a stimulating environment encouraged me to think more creatively and to approach challenges more openly, which I believe will be beneficial to me in future projects and my career in the IT industry.
Pročitaj više
Antonio Sego
During my internship at globalsoft, along with a colleague, I worked on a project to develop an application for the Code Camp. Code Camp offers free workshops provided by globalsoft, offering participants an engaging, intuitive, and professional approach to learning web programming. I myself was a participant in these workshops before starting my internship. The main goal of the project I worked on was to streamline the registration process for these workshops. My task was to develop the backend part of the application using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. Throughout the development of the application, I faced various challenges. However, thanks to the support of two exceptional mentors who were always available to provide simple and effective solutions and generously share their knowledge and experience, we successfully overcame all obstacles. I would like to express my gratitude to the director who provided us with support and useful advice that will greatly help us in our future careers in the IT world. Also, I want to thank all the other employees of globalsoft who welcomed us in a unique way. The internship at globalsoft was an invaluable experience that enhanced my technical skills, as well as communication and teamwork skills, and created new friendships. Additionally, working in such a stimulating environment encouraged me to think more creatively and to approach challenges more openly, which I believe will be beneficial to me in future projects and my career in the IT industry.
Franjo Lovrić
prije 8 mjeseca5.0During my internship at globalsoft, I had the opportunity to work on an exciting project called "Code Camp", alongside a fellow intern. Our task was to develop an application that simplifies the registration process for globalsoft's Code Camp workshops.
I was primarily responsible for building the frontend part of the application using Next.js, a React framework tailored for web development. This experience allowed me to apply the theoretical knowledge I acquired at university to a real-world project, enhancing my understanding of frontend development and user interface design.
Throughout the internship, I faced various challenges. However, the guidance and support from my mentors were invaluable. They provided insightful advice, shared best practices, and encouraged me to explore new approaches, significantly contributing to my professional growth and confidence in tackling complex problems.
Beyond the technical aspects, I was impressed by the welcoming and stimulating culture at globalsoft. The positive atmosphere created a collaborative environment where everyone, from my colleagues to the management team, was approachable and eager to help, motivating me to give my best every day.
On a personal level, this internship has not only improved my technical skills but also enhanced my communication and teamwork skills. I've learned the importance of effective collaboration, adaptability, and continuous learning in a fast-paced environment.
I am thankful for the opportunity to have been part of globalsoft and to have contributed to such a meaningful project. I am eager to apply the knowledge and skills I've gained, and I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with globalsoft again in the future.
Pročitaj više
Franjo Lovrić
During my internship at globalsoft, I had the opportunity to work on an exciting project called "Code Camp", alongside a fellow intern. Our task was to develop an application that simplifies the registration process for globalsoft's Code Camp workshops. I was primarily responsible for building the frontend part of the application using Next.js, a React framework tailored for web development. This experience allowed me to apply the theoretical knowledge I acquired at university to a real-world project, enhancing my understanding of frontend development and user interface design. Throughout the internship, I faced various challenges. However, the guidance and support from my mentors were invaluable. They provided insightful advice, shared best practices, and encouraged me to explore new approaches, significantly contributing to my professional growth and confidence in tackling complex problems. Beyond the technical aspects, I was impressed by the welcoming and stimulating culture at globalsoft. The positive atmosphere created a collaborative environment where everyone, from my colleagues to the management team, was approachable and eager to help, motivating me to give my best every day. On a personal level, this internship has not only improved my technical skills but also enhanced my communication and teamwork skills. I've learned the importance of effective collaboration, adaptability, and continuous learning in a fast-paced environment. I am thankful for the opportunity to have been part of globalsoft and to have contributed to such a meaningful project. I am eager to apply the knowledge and skills I've gained, and I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with globalsoft again in the future.
Antonio Pavkovic
prije 8 mjeseca5.0Tijekom trajanja prakse u Globalsoftu, iskustvo mi je iznimno pozitivno. Kvaliteta mentorstva i profesionalizam kolektiva su istaknuti, koji su omogućili produktivnim i ugodnim radnim okruženjem.
Pod stručnom i prijateljski nastrojenom mentorstvu, imao sam priliku dublje istražiti razvoj mobilnih aplikacija u Flutter-u, što je doprinijelo znatnom proširenju mog znanja i vještina u području programiranja. Osim tehničkih aspekata, praksa u Globalsoftu mi je omogućila stjecanje uvida u različite principe softverskog razvoja, što će mi pomoći u budućem profesionalnom životu. Vrlo sam zahvalan na prilici koju mi je praksa u Globalsoftu pružila te sam siguran da će mi stečeno iskustvo biti od koristi u budućim izazovima.
Pročitaj više
Antonio Pavkovic
Tijekom trajanja prakse u Globalsoftu, iskustvo mi je iznimno pozitivno. Kvaliteta mentorstva i profesionalizam kolektiva su istaknuti, koji su omogućili produktivnim i ugodnim radnim okruženjem. Pod stručnom i prijateljski nastrojenom mentorstvu, imao sam priliku dublje istražiti razvoj mobilnih aplikacija u Flutter-u, što je doprinijelo znatnom proširenju mog znanja i vještina u području programiranja. Osim tehničkih aspekata, praksa u Globalsoftu mi je omogućila stjecanje uvida u različite principe softverskog razvoja, što će mi pomoći u budućem profesionalnom životu. Vrlo sam zahvalan na prilici koju mi je praksa u Globalsoftu pružila te sam siguran da će mi stečeno iskustvo biti od koristi u budućim izazovima.
Detalji tvrtke
Ime: Globalsoft
Lokacija: Mostar, BiH
Kategorija: Tehnologija
Opis: Globalsoft pruža sveobuhvatne usluge softverskog inženjeringa, nudeći timove i resurse na zahtjev za potpunu digitalnu transformaciju poduzeća i razvoj proizvoda. Angažirajte naše programere da iskor...
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